Sunday, September 13, 2009

Guidance Program

As part of our PSLP program, we've decided to go with a student guidance management system through a company called Kuder. There are a few other schools involved in the PSLP pilot program who are also going to use Kuder.

One of the main features we like about Kuder (because they were all similar in the features they offered to students and parents and schools) is that we can customize the pages to fit our needs and our look.

We're going to customize the first page with the same banner and colors of our district web page and we've decided to use the name of our PSLP in the name of our customized site. The name of our customized site will be: S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Career and College Navigator.

Our guidance director is going to work with Kuder's IT people to customize links for the students, links to college, career and financial aid resources. There will also be a place for students to develop e-portfolios to showcase their best works to show to future employers and college admissions officers.

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